Saturday, 21 May 2011

//////My Exhibition//////

This is my exhibition presented as my studio space. I have really enjoyed doing my Final Mayor Project and I am really pleased with how it has worked out. I have learnt so much throughout this project and I am really looking forward to carrying on working this way at university. 

//////Exhibition layout//////

//////Exhibition layout//////

As I have lots of designs, samples, illustrations and prints I have been planning the layout for my exhibition space.

Monday, 16 May 2011


Painting on wood

I used acrlyic paint and different pieces of paper and card to experiment with painting and printing on to wood.


I made this little pin cushion by resusing old fabric and ribbon.

Sunday, 15 May 2011

////studio spaces/////

I like the idea of pinning lots of my work up like this in this image to make my exhibition space one big moodboard of all my ideas, samples and designs. 
